Book Review: Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara
A book review of Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara
Book Review: We the Possibility by Mitchell Weiss
A book review of We the Possibility by Mitchell Weiss.
Increasing Access to Justice: Innovations now happening in the nation’s court system
Some legal professionals may have hesitancy around generative AI, but the tools are already at work, transforming court operations while expanding access to justice.
Book Review: Between the Listening and the Telling by Mark Yaconelli
A book review of Between the Listening and the Telling by Mark Yaconelli.
Innovative approaches for managing staff mental health issues in government agencies
Government organizations seek to measure their departmental success in two non-traditional metrics: work/life balance for employees and managing staff mental health issues. But how are they doing?
Book Review: Recovering Abundance by Andy Stanton-Henry
A book review of Recovering Abundance by Andy Stanton-Henry.
Book Review: Greedy Bastards by Sheryl Sculley
A book review of Greedy Bastards by Sheryl Sculley.
Innovations in policing: increasing policing efficiency & officer wellbeing
During National Police Week 2024, we look at the current innovations in policing that are focused on improved efficiency, enhanced training, and mental and physical wellness for today’s first responders.
Leveraging Generative AI in Courts
ow can modern day courts balance a cautious approach with an earnest effort to expanding access to justice in technological adoption?
Importance of Data Proficiency in Government Employees
Government agencies are more dependent on a data proficient workforce now than ever before. With the rapid pace of date use, and data-driven decision making in public sector workplaces, many agencies are reskilling their own workforce through data academies.